Tag Archives: friends

Satisfied Saturday Six

Happy Christmas to those who celebrate! Enjoy the glorious late December days, everyone else ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I am feeling all loved up today because it is twenty-one years precisely since I first kissed Lovely Partner. Can I just point out howย exceptionally young I was at the time? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyway, we are very happy and in love (at least, I am – I shouldn’t speak for him, I guess!) so it was the best Christmas kiss ever.
  2. I am feeling doubly loved up because I discovered I was pregnant twelve years ago today, with Splendid Son. It was quite early to find out, but I wanted to make sure I could drink alcohol on Christmas Day, so I took a test. I couldn’t. I didn’t mind, strangely enough!
  3. My lovely sister is down staying with my parents, and I got to spend some time with her yesterday, which was very nice. Especially as a friend – originally her friend, but I’m co-opting her as my own as well – came over with her family, which made for chaos, but lovely chaos. (I admit I’ve spent most of today in bed, mind!)
  4. I have been making some new online friends this week, which is very pleasing. As I don’t get out much, making friends online is really important to me – plus, I tend to interact better in writing than in person, which means that it’s a great way for me to ‘meet’ people (and I end up meeting quite a lot of them in person in the end).
  5. The proofs ofย Love Plus One have come through for a final check. Very exciting – it makes everything seem very close now!
  6. I dyed my hair and now it is bright blue and very cheerful.

Satisfied… Sunday… Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

Um, oops – a day late this week ๐Ÿ™‚ I was out at the football yesterday, with the added bonus of the coach having a flat battery, so our drive home was somewhat delayed.

  1. On the other hand – I was at the football yesterday! Considering how little I get out, this is extremely exciting. Plus my team (Charlton Athletic) actually won, so hurrah!
  2. In more writerly news, I finished an article this week and submitted it, which is pleasing, given the time I’ve had recently.
  3. Andย Love Plus One has gone through the proof-reading stage, so we’re nearly at the final moments with that, which is terribly thrilling!
  4. My friends and family are being so wonderful about supporting me. I honestly don’t know how I’d manage without them. Guys, I am so grateful to you all. (For those who don’t know – when I say “I don’t get out much” what I mean is, I’m literally bed bound for 90% of the time at the moment, so yes. Support is [a] needed but [b] so very appreciated.)
  5. Oh, I had a school parents’ meeting this week to talk about Splendid Son with his teacher. This was possibly the most enjoyable thing ever, as it was basically ten minutes of his teacher telling me how wonderful my child was in every possible way. Honestly, I don’t think there is any greater pleasure in life for a parent than that! (It even made up for the OTHER flat battery of the week, when my car refused to start and get us home from the school…)
  6. I have started my Christmas shopping, which is always pleasing. I love buying presents!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

This is a very low key six, as it’s been an extremely low key sort of week ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I haven’t actually done much writing this week, so I suppose I can celebrate the fact that I’ve had a bit of a rest from everything!
  2. I’ve taken the opportunity to set up for doing other things as well – ordered some felt tip pens so I can do some colouring in, and sorted out some reading matter.
  3. I had a doctor’s appointment this week, and although there aren’t any answers to most of my health problems, the fact that the GP is prepared to work with me to try and improve whatever’s improvable is a good thing.
  4. We decided on Splendid Son’s choices of Secondary School and have submitted the form, so this is all out of the way. There’s now no news until March, when we’ll hear whether he’s got into the school we’d like him to attend, so we have a rest from all that.
  5. When I’ve been struggling, friends and family have been around to support me and encourage me. I don’t really know how to express what a difference that makes, but I appreciate you all! Thank you.
  6. Oh! The tomato plant which I was given has produced two tiny tomatoes. I am quite out of proportion pleased, as I tend not to have a good effect on plant life ๐Ÿ™‚

Satisfied Saturday Six

Well, it’s been A Bit Of A Week, but there have been some fabulous things this week, too.


  1. I had visitors last weekend – one of my closest friends came to stay with her family. We’ve been good friends for over a decade, ever since our children – about a month different in age – were babies. However, thanks to the fact that she lives on the other side of the world, we’d never actually met in person before. It was simply amazing to get to spend time with her finally.
  2. Splendid Son has managed to pass an exam which means that his choice of secondary school (the school he will attend from age 11-18) is much improved. I have a great objection to the system of deciding whether children are academic achievers or not at the age of 10-11, but given that it exists in my area, I’m delighted that Splendid Son was so successful.
  3. My article about Plot Holes In Harry Potterย has been translated into Italian. By Cosmo magazine, no less! I’m famous!
  4. Third, and I hope final, edits onย Love Plus One complete. We should be on for the publication of the novel now…
  5. Thank goodness for our National Health Service. I’m grateful to live in Britain sometimes, and when I ended up in Accident and Emergency on Sunday evening and they dealt with me fast and well… that was one of those occasions. Thank you to all the people I saw.
  6. I’m hoping to write more articles about Harry Potter (one on trivia coming up at some point… watch this space…) which is exciting. Out of a matter of interest, what would anyone like to read about? Tell me! I’ll see if I can pitch it ๐Ÿ™‚

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.


Well. I have been missing for a dreadfully long time, for which I apologise. Health things have been troubling me – I’m currently spending the vast (vast) majority of my time in bed, and the time outside that is spent doing rather dull tasks so it’s been difficult to think of things to say! (And time when I’m awake and not doing dull tasks in which to say them…) However, though things have not wildly improved, I’m going to attempt to get back into keeping in touch and I thought a nice Satisfied Saturday Six would be a good way to get things going again.

  1. I wrote an article which came out this week ๐Ÿ™‚ It was about Harry Potter (if you didn’t know I was a total fangirl, you do now!), and the new things we’ve found out since the books came out. No real spoilers forย Cursed Child orย Fantastic Beasts, incidentally. And not nearly as much about the next generation (Harry et al’s kids) as there could have been…
  2. Although my physical health is… well, the less said about it the better, really… my mental health is unexpectedly good. I am holding up well, which is extremely pleasing. Trust me, as someone who’s had both physical and mental illnesses, I’d take the former over the latter. (Hint to body: I’d rather not have either.)
  3. I’m currently doing the second round of edits forย Love Plus One, which will hopefully come out in January with Nine Star Press. I’m so excited about this book, I really can’t tell you. PLUS (have I mentioned this before?) it’s the first in a series about these characters (I hope), so there’s more to come…
  4. Splendid Son has had an interesting couple of weeks. He turned 11 the week before last, and took an exam which will determine where he spends his next seven years going to school, so that’s quite a major thing. We also found out that he unexpectedly passed (very well) a tenor horn exam which he strongly believed he’d failed, so that’s been pleasing news.
  5. Lovely Partner and I are going to Amsterdam in less thanย ten days time. Given the health problems, goodness knows how this is going to work, but I’m really looking forward to it anyway! It will be lovely to get away with just the two of us for a bit.
  6. (Wow, this is hard when you haven’t been doing anything! Goodness!) Ooh, and I’m also looking forward to having a friend and her family come and stay in a couple of weeks’ time! I’ve known her for more than a decade, but thanks to the fact that she usually lives on the other side of the world, we’ve never previously met. I absolutely can’t wait for her to visit!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I’ve started a new story! It’s going quite slowly at the moment, but it’s taking up quite a bit of my mind, which is always a good sign. Please cross your fingers that it works out for me – I’m always happiest when I’m working on something.
  2. The Sisterhood is up on UK Amazon as a Kindle release, though it’s not going to be officially released until 25th Jule, it seems. I’m not quite sure why that is, but at least that means there’s movement towards getting a UK release for the book, which has got to be a good thing!
  3. I also proof-read my storyย Something You Really Want for Xcite books. It’s due out in their Gay Romance anthology in August, which is very exciting. I love the characters in that particular story.
  4. I helped out at Splendid Son’s school fete yesterday, which whilst it has left me needing copious quantities of painkillers today and being unable to get out of bed, has also given me a pleasing sense of virtue. Which is something, right?
  5. And talking of Splendid Son, he has a music exam today, but Lovely Partner has taken the day off and will take him, which given the ‘unable to get out of bed’ thing is a great relief! Please to be sending good thoughts his way (SS’s, not LP’s!).
  6. Later today, I’m hoping to buy some coach tickets to go and visit some wonderful friends in the summer. It is great to have things to look forward to, and I appear to be going on holiday for three entire weeks during August!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

A mixed bag this week. I’ve got to be honest and say I haven’t had the best of weeks, but I still managed to find some things, so you ought to be impressed ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I finished my article about female abolitionists around the Regency Period, and sent it off today. I’m quite pleased with the way this one worked out, actually.
  2. Ooh, and the business cards I designed last week have come through. I have Business Cards! Like a real authorly type!
  3. I am surrounded by really good friends and family, and I have had a chance to remember how lucky I am for this.
  4. After being unwell last weekend, Splendid Son is much much better and is taking part in a football tournament this afternoon (to which I’m about to go so that I can cheer him on – please let it not rain too hard!)
  5. I’m really enjoying Euro 2016 AND Wimbledon. Lots of sport all over the television – my sort of thing!
  6. Although our cooker broke this week, it turns out that it’s still under guarantee, which is excellent. Usually they wait until just after the warranty period has run out, and we could very much have done without that. So hurrah.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I have friends visiting! This is absolutely excellent, and I’m having a brilliant time. With any luck, they are having a reasonable time also.
  2. I have finished the final edits onย All About The Boy, a gay erotic anthology which is coming out with Nine Star Press on 25th July. Looking forward to that!
  3. My cat Rory, who was unwell last week to the point of staying overnight at the vets’, has made an apparent full recovery and is back to his brattish best. This is such a relief.
  4. Splendid Son got some results from some standardised tests and appears to have done marvellously well on them, which is really good news. I’m very proud of him.
  5. I went to the doctor this week and am now being treated for depression. Whilst it’s obviously not good that I have a definite relapse of what is for me a sporadic illness, it is definitely a good thing that I am being treated for it and will hopefully therefore improve over time.
  6. I have been reading some of JL Merrow’s books which I’ve not read before. Bloody hell, she’s good. I thoroughly recommend them, and it is SO NICE to be reading something new which I’m so unreservedly enjoying.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I filed my tax return this week, which is a joy and a relief to have over and out of the way. I feel quite accomplished.
  2. I also spent a lovely time with a most excellent friend and her two small boys and new cat. Both cat and boys are ย very friendly, and it was splendid.
  3. I started knitting a scarf again this week. It’s a while since I’ve knitted anything – I’ve somehow been out of the mood – so it feels good to get started again.
  4. The sun has been shining this week, which is lovely. I like sunny weather.
  5. I got some nice compliments on something I wrote, which is always welcome.
  6. >placeholder<

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

This has been a truly lovely week, so this should be an absolute breeze today! What’s more, it is mostly a PEOPLE-Y entry, which is singularly improbable from your neighbourhood antisocial writerly type ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I spent a wonderful Easter weekend with my excellent sister, who cooked amazing food and fed me wine and encouraged me to sing and rest. It was absolutely delightful.
  2. From there, I went on to Wales to visit some gorgeous friends who live far too far away from me. Having had another look at the beautiful scenery and surroundings of Wales, I have to admit that I suspect that it is I who live in the wrong place and not them…
  3. We went to a Red Kite Feeding Station on one day, and saw dozens (literally dozens) of red kites really close up. The quality of my photo is not good (my tablet was not built or bought for photography) but this gives you an idea of the numbers…kites
  4. I also met a friend I’ve known on the internet for some time but never met in person before, who turns out to be even better in person than online; and re-met someone I met for the first time last summer and whom I already knew was splendid. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. In writing related news, I’m delighted that my story ‘Something You Really Want’ – which is the ‘short’ (around 8000 words) story which spawned the epic collection of stories I’ve been obsessed by for the past few months – was accepted by Xcite and will be published in their gay romance collection.
  6. And last night, I caught up over the terrifying telephone with an extremely old (as in long term, rather than ancient!) mate on the other side of the world. Love you to bits, Al.