Tag Archives: erotica

Friday Fiction

Yes, I know it’s Saturday, but that loses not only the alliteration but also the link with my name 🙂 Anyway, I thought I’d post one of my earliest stories, just as a sort of celebration of a decade of writing. I like to think I write even better now, but it’s not bad…


Housemate Potential

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All About The Boy OUT TODAY!!!

Hurrah, my antho All About The Boy is released today.



Three smokin’ hot m/m erotic stories, with added kink for good measure, as I chatted to JL Merr0w about the other day. And then today, I have been talking to Gillian St. Kevern about writing short stories (she too was kind enough to host me – thank you very much, Gillian!)

Plus, it has its first review, from Boy Meets Boy! Let’s just say, they seemed to appreciate it – and they liked my favourite story, Pretty Little Straight Boy, best 🙂 So clearly, they have very good taste!

You can find a giveaway at all of the above links, so go along and see if you can win yourself a copy of All About The Boy. 🙂


Satisfied Sunday Six

  1. MY NOVEL THE SISTERHOOD IS OUT THIS WEEK. I do not apologise for being in all capitals, either, because I am ridiculously excited about it. It’s a really good book, actually. I’m so pleased with it (though my beta reader, JL Merrow, and my editor, Amanda Jean, need to take some of the credit).

You can buy it at Bella books or at Amazon – but it does appear only to be available on American sites at the moment. Does this mean I can do further squee when it’s available in the UK?

2. I saw the ARCS (the final copies) of All About The Boy at the beginning of the week, and they’re gorgeous. Goodness, my work looks so good in it. I know that sounds silly, but it does. And talking about editors? Sasha Vorun is bloody marvellous, too.

3. Then yesterday I went on a course about marketing, run by Miles Allen. It was really interesting and useful: it doesn’t matter how well I write, I need people to read what I’m writing. And it’s difficult to know how to reach an audience. This helped. (Plus I accidentally sold a book in the car park afterwards to a man who had been somewhere completely different and did not look like the target market for a lesbian historical novel 🙂 He was also, incidentally, an extremely lovely man.)

4. In non-writing news, Splendid Son got a trophy for ‘most improved player’ in his under 10s football club, so I’m very proud of him.

5. Lovely Partner also was part of a fencing group who came second at a tournament last weekend, so I’m proud of him, too.

6. I have written half of my article about women’s role in the Abolitionist movement in Britain (the abolition of slavery). This is for Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine, and I know a lot about it because slavery accidentally ended up as a fairly major plot in The Sisterhood. (This is entirely due – and this is a true story – to a random comment my mother made when I was ranting about the book when it was a quarter written. Something she said managed to change the entire course of the book. If you know an author and you make a random suggestion, please be aware that they may end up miles deep in research and cursing your name, even as they write the best book they’ve ever managed!)

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I have friends visiting! This is absolutely excellent, and I’m having a brilliant time. With any luck, they are having a reasonable time also.
  2. I have finished the final edits on All About The Boy, a gay erotic anthology which is coming out with Nine Star Press on 25th July. Looking forward to that!
  3. My cat Rory, who was unwell last week to the point of staying overnight at the vets’, has made an apparent full recovery and is back to his brattish best. This is such a relief.
  4. Splendid Son got some results from some standardised tests and appears to have done marvellously well on them, which is really good news. I’m very proud of him.
  5. I went to the doctor this week and am now being treated for depression. Whilst it’s obviously not good that I have a definite relapse of what is for me a sporadic illness, it is definitely a good thing that I am being treated for it and will hopefully therefore improve over time.
  6. I have been reading some of JL Merrow’s books which I’ve not read before. Bloody hell, she’s good. I thoroughly recommend them, and it is SO NICE to be reading something new which I’m so unreservedly enjoying.

Satisfied Saturday Six



  1. As I think I’ve probably gone on about more than anyone needs to know, my health is not the best thing in the world. But I have been put on a new medicine recently, and it really seems to be having a good effect. I’m amazed and delighted, and suddenly back at the point of going “oh my goodness, doctoring is like *magic* sometimes, isn’t it?!”
  2. My next novel, The Sisterhood, is available for pre-order on Amazon.com, in all its “look, it has an amazing cover!” glory. I’m a bit self-conscious about this one, because it’s (by my standards) quite a grown-up novel and I’m rather proud of it. Which means that I’m terrified everyone else is going to hate it, of course!
  3. I had my hair cut really quite short a fortnight ago, and intended to colour it purple. However, I seem to have ended up with very short, ginger-and-green hair. Weirdly, it seems to suit me, and I want to keep it!
  4. I’m currently editing a set of three gay erotic stories for Nine Star Press. Whilst editing is never an entirely wonderful experience, I have always found (which says a lot for my editors) that it is a good and useful one, because my stories always end up the better for it. My stories are ending up the better for the editing. 🙂 And I tend to enjoy it a lot more than I think I will!
  5. I’ve spent time either by phone or in person with my close family this week, and goodness, it is a good thing! I am exceedingly lucky in that sense. Dear relations, you are all rather wonderful!
  6. I bought some new clothes this week. I am not inclined in that direction, which makes it worth a comment! But it is nice to have a few things which actually fit me 🙂

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

This has been a truly lovely week, so this should be an absolute breeze today! What’s more, it is mostly a PEOPLE-Y entry, which is singularly improbable from your neighbourhood antisocial writerly type 🙂

  1. I spent a wonderful Easter weekend with my excellent sister, who cooked amazing food and fed me wine and encouraged me to sing and rest. It was absolutely delightful.
  2. From there, I went on to Wales to visit some gorgeous friends who live far too far away from me. Having had another look at the beautiful scenery and surroundings of Wales, I have to admit that I suspect that it is I who live in the wrong place and not them…
  3. We went to a Red Kite Feeding Station on one day, and saw dozens (literally dozens) of red kites really close up. The quality of my photo is not good (my tablet was not built or bought for photography) but this gives you an idea of the numbers…kites
  4. I also met a friend I’ve known on the internet for some time but never met in person before, who turns out to be even better in person than online; and re-met someone I met for the first time last summer and whom I already knew was splendid. 🙂
  5. In writing related news, I’m delighted that my story ‘Something You Really Want’ – which is the ‘short’ (around 8000 words) story which spawned the epic collection of stories I’ve been obsessed by for the past few months – was accepted by Xcite and will be published in their gay romance collection.
  6. And last night, I caught up over the terrifying telephone with an extremely old (as in long term, rather than ancient!) mate on the other side of the world. Love you to bits, Al.

Friday Fiction

Today I’m offering you an excerpt from Loving My Lady, the Regency novella which came out last week. Hope you enjoy it.


I do not think that I knew what love was before that moment. I had loved my father, of course, with the obligation of a righteous daughter; the romantic love the poets write of, though, had never previously touched my life.

She stepped down.

The one and only “she” there would ever be for me. My eyes met hers for a second, and I was first to look away. This was not the elderly lady I remembered from my childhood. Who, then, was she?

“You are most welcome,” I stammered. “Um… Lady Dennyson…”


“…is expected shortly, I imagine?”

“I beg your pardon?”

She strolled toward me. I would have died for a dress such as the one she wore with so much elegance.

“When do you expect Lady Dennyson?” I asked shyly.

There was a pause, followed by the most beautiful laughter I had ever heard — even though it was at my expense.

“My dear!” she exclaimed. “Cordelia — I may call you that, may I not?”

My voice too unsteady for words at the sound of my name on her lips, I nodded.

“I am Lady Dennyson.”


“Surely you did not expect my mother-in-law?” she laughed.

Mother-in-law? Then she was… then my cousin Adam (unknown, therefore unavoidably unmissed) must… must be married — married and dead.

“Lady Dennyson?”

She smiled.

“That is indeed my name.”

Unbidden, unexpectedly, I curtsied — as if I were a maid. Well, perhaps a companion was on such a level.

“My lady.”

One hand pinched my chin, the other slid luxuriously down my arm like velvet.

“You need not call me that. I am Lady Juliet, and you are my Cordelia.”

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. Novella out today – hurray hurray hurray! My novella, Loving My Lady has been republished by eXcessica today. It’s the first long lesbian Regency story I wrote, and although it’s a few years old now, I’m still rather fond of it.
  2. I also signed a contract this week for an anthology of three stories to come out later this year with Nine Star Press, so look out for an interesting selection of gay erotica at some point. Lots of edits to do first, but I’m really pleased to be working with the company – they seem both friendly and very professional, which is an excellent combination.
  3. This week was lovely because I had a friend staying until Wednesday. I haven’t been as well as I might have been, so we didn’t exactly do a lot, but much fun was had nonetheless, and it was really excellent to spend time with her.
  4. I had a parent consultation with Splendid Son’s teacher this week, in which I was informed that he’s doing extremely well at school and on target to exceed expectations in his main subjects, which is very pleasing. Best of all, though, the teacher was very pleased about his love of learning, which I hope he will keep throughout his life.
  5. After a massive upset with my editing and computers last week (one broke, and the temporary replacements failed to allow me to edit my novel), I am back on track with a new-to-me laptop and am two thirds of the way through the first round of edits on The Sisterhood, which is excellent. (The fact that I am two thirds of the way through is excellent; I don’t speak for the quality of the novel itself, though I don’t think it’s too bad, actually.) And look – it’s being trailed on Amazon already 🙂
  6. I’ve finished the first draft of another of the novellas which have been occupying my mind since January. That’s two now completed, and I have quite a lot more writing on the subject of the characters as well. It’s a case of working out how to put it together which is occupying my mind at the moment – or those bits of my mind not taken up with everything else I’m doing, anyway!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.


After a few weeks off over Christmas, I’m finally getting my arse back in gear and getting back to writing my Satisfied Saturday Sixes 🙂 So here goes.

  1. I had a nice birthday on Wednesday: lots of very kind people wishing me well, and my health problems (which have been multitudinal this year, sadly) were obliging enough to give me a couple of days off from feeling ten different types of dreadful. So that was splendid.
  2. I heard back from the editor of Jane Austen’s Regency World that my article on Black Georgians is okay, which is relieving. I didn’t want to tread on anyone’s sensibilities, and I’m aware that I’m writing for an international audience where different countries have different appropriate terminology, so it was all a bit terrifying. It’ll be out in the March/April edition, so please look out for it!
  3. I managed to submit a couple of stories this week. This is slightly disconcerting because it’s been quite a while since I’ve been submitting things en spec rather than writing for specific commissions. So it’s very much a case of wait and see, and obviously the thing about being a writer is that you do have to put a brave face on rejections, so I may very well be doing that quite a lot in the foreseeable future. But it’s fun to be writing new things, and writing things which I’ve written just because that’s what I fancied writing at the time. (It’s all sex at the moment. No idea why, but it is. I’m going with it.)
  4. Talking of which, the muse is still buzzing along happily so I am still writing new things. Any good? Probably not, but that’s another matter.
  5. I went out for a meal with my parents on Thursday, which is always an enjoyable experience. I’m having a few problems eating enough at the moment (not a usual issue for me!) but nice food is still nice food.
  6. Splendid Son was invited out for a birthday treat with a friend yesterday, which was very nice for him and also very good timing for me as I had a migraine and it meant that I could spend all day in bed without needing to be anywhere at any time, which was a great (and much needed) relief. (Yes, I am scraping the barrel a bit at the moment to find any non-illness related information. Sorry.)

Friday Fiction

It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘Friday Fiction’ post, but I’m hoping to do them more often when I’m not up to my ears in novel. For today, however, I wanted to point you towards an interview I’ve done with Scope, for their A-Z ‘End The Awkward’ campaign about sex and disability. I come in under ‘N’ – for Not Safe For Work (NSFW) 🙂

N is for NSFW – #EndtheAwkward

Erotic fiction is definitely NSFW but it’s perfect reading material to get you going. And why wouldn’t the ‘Lusty Lady’ use a wheelchair or the ‘Horny Hunk’ be deaf?

N is for NSFW is part of Scope’s A to Z of sex and disability

Writer Penelope Friday talks to us about mixing sex and disability in the pages of her erotic fiction.

I came into writing erotica through fan fiction. Fan fiction (often called ‘fanfic’) is a class of writing in which you take other people’s characters and give them adventures of their own. A large proportion of this is dedicated to writing ‘adult’ fiction – no matter whether the original characters were engaged in sexual activity or not!

To read the rest of the article, click here.