Monthly Archives: March 2017

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. Last Saturday, I ran a group trip to see Charlton Athletic. And everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, I didn’t lose any of them, and Charlton even scraped a draw! I’m calling that a win.
  2. Yesterday, I managed to write a complete short story. Not for publication, but it was nice to get something finished. I seem to be working on big projects at the moment and never finishing anything, so that was good.
  3. I also passed having written 50,000 words so far this year. Again, many aren’t publication-worthy, but it’s all good practise.
  4. In the latest copy of Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine, there is a letter dedicated to talking about how well I write 🙂 I won’t quote the whole thing because I’m not quite that boastful, but let’s just say that it begins: “Your magazine serves as a constant source of inspiration to creative writing students at the college where I teach. In particular Penelope Friday is possessed of admirable technique.” So, that is rather flattering, if I do say so myself! I like the thought of being used to teach creative writing.
  5. Our sitting room is tidier than it has been for many a year after the organiser we’ve been employing came for her last session and helped out in here. There’s a way to go, but we’re getting there.
  6. I’m on to the second edits of One Plus One  and we’re looking at probably a late July/early August publication date for the novel. Really excited about that!

Satisfied Saturday Six

  1. We organised downstairs cupboards and the porch and back lobby this week, which is good. Oh my goodness, we have organised cupboards!
  2. I’ve got the first edits on One Plus One  (Maths Part Two) and my editor is really enthusiastic about the story, which is making me feel so good.
  3. I’ve also finished Maths Part Three (no definite title yet, but I’m calling it Three’s Company for the moment) to the point that it’s ready to be sent to my editor. But that will have to wait until I’ve finished with Part Two 🙂
  4. Scarily enough, I also wrote a bit on Maths Part Four (yes, I might just be obsessed with these characters).
  5. Splendid Son got good news in that he’s got into the Secondary School of his choice. We anticipated there being no problem (boastful mother moment: he did brilliantly in the test they make kids do in my area) but it’s comforting to have the confirmation. He was also, coincidentally, singing in a concert in that very school the evening we heard!
  6. I had an Indian Head Massage on Wednesday, which was really nice. AND I got some bras and supportive vest tops which actually fit (is that the sort of thing one’s not supposed to share? I’m never very good at knowing boundaries. Sorry, if so!) so I am quite pleased with that.