Monthly Archives: May 2016

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I have friends visiting! This is absolutely excellent, and I’m having a brilliant time. With any luck, they are having a reasonable time also.
  2. I have finished the final edits on All About The Boy, a gay erotic anthology which is coming out with Nine Star Press on 25th July. Looking forward to that!
  3. My cat Rory, who was unwell last week to the point of staying overnight at the vets’, has made an apparent full recovery and is back to his brattish best. This is such a relief.
  4. Splendid Son got some results from some standardised tests and appears to have done marvellously well on them, which is really good news. I’m very proud of him.
  5. I went to the doctor this week and am now being treated for depression. Whilst it’s obviously not good that I have a definite relapse of what is for me a sporadic illness, it is definitely a good thing that I am being treated for it and will hopefully therefore improve over time.
  6. I have been reading some of JL Merrow’s books which I’ve not read before. Bloody hell, she’s good. I thoroughly recommend them, and it is SO NICE to be reading something new which I’m so unreservedly enjoying.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I filed my tax return this week, which is a joy and a relief to have over and out of the way. I feel quite accomplished.
  2. I also spent a lovely time with a most excellent friend and her two small boys and new cat. Both cat and boys are  very friendly, and it was splendid.
  3. I started knitting a scarf again this week. It’s a while since I’ve knitted anything – I’ve somehow been out of the mood – so it feels good to get started again.
  4. The sun has been shining this week, which is lovely. I like sunny weather.
  5. I got some nice compliments on something I wrote, which is always welcome.
  6. >placeholder<