Monthly Archives: September 2016

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I’m in the process of writing another article about Harry Potter, which is making me exceptionally cheerful. I could spend all my time thinking about the world of Harry Potter. Hmm, actually…
  2. Getting really excited about going to Amsterdam on Monday. I’ve never been – and it’s very flat, so it should be reasonably wheelchair friendly, which is always A Thing.
  3. Because life is made up of little triumphs, I feel I should celebrate the fact that Splendid Son’s wellies still fit him. He hasn’t worn them for ages but needs them for his own school holiday next week. I thought we’d have to go on an emergency welly-boot expedition, which given my energy levels was not something I was wildly enthused by – but we don’t! Hurrah!
  4. Our microwave finally gave up the ghost this week, about a year after my sister told me that it was the most appalling thing she’d ever seen (or words to that effect). I successfully bought and installed (plugged in!) a new one, and feel thoroughly accomplished.
  5. Umm… wow, this is a difficult week for this! The weather has been slightly cooler, which means that spending hours and hours tucked up in bed with my two cats has been rather lovely. I tried to take a picture of them cuddling – my ginger boy had one of his legs tucked around my spotty girl – but they wanted to know what the hell I was doing, and moved at the vital moment!
  6. I’m exploring going to Greece at Easter, which is apparently an outrageous plan, but we seem (slowly) to be getting somewhere with finding options. Holidays are good.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.


Well. I have been missing for a dreadfully long time, for which I apologise. Health things have been troubling me – I’m currently spending the vast (vast) majority of my time in bed, and the time outside that is spent doing rather dull tasks so it’s been difficult to think of things to say! (And time when I’m awake and not doing dull tasks in which to say them…) However, though things have not wildly improved, I’m going to attempt to get back into keeping in touch and I thought a nice Satisfied Saturday Six would be a good way to get things going again.

  1. I wrote an article which came out this week 🙂 It was about Harry Potter (if you didn’t know I was a total fangirl, you do now!), and the new things we’ve found out since the books came out. No real spoilers for Cursed Child or Fantastic Beasts, incidentally. And not nearly as much about the next generation (Harry et al’s kids) as there could have been…
  2. Although my physical health is… well, the less said about it the better, really… my mental health is unexpectedly good. I am holding up well, which is extremely pleasing. Trust me, as someone who’s had both physical and mental illnesses, I’d take the former over the latter. (Hint to body: I’d rather not have either.)
  3. I’m currently doing the second round of edits for Love Plus One, which will hopefully come out in January with Nine Star Press. I’m so excited about this book, I really can’t tell you. PLUS (have I mentioned this before?) it’s the first in a series about these characters (I hope), so there’s more to come…
  4. Splendid Son has had an interesting couple of weeks. He turned 11 the week before last, and took an exam which will determine where he spends his next seven years going to school, so that’s quite a major thing. We also found out that he unexpectedly passed (very well) a tenor horn exam which he strongly believed he’d failed, so that’s been pleasing news.
  5. Lovely Partner and I are going to Amsterdam in less than ten days time. Given the health problems, goodness knows how this is going to work, but I’m really looking forward to it anyway! It will be lovely to get away with just the two of us for a bit.
  6. (Wow, this is hard when you haven’t been doing anything! Goodness!) Ooh, and I’m also looking forward to having a friend and her family come and stay in a couple of weeks’ time! I’ve known her for more than a decade, but thanks to the fact that she usually lives on the other side of the world, we’ve never previously met. I absolutely can’t wait for her to visit!