Tag Archives: family

Satisfied Saturday Six

Well, it’s been a little while since I’ve posted one of these, but I think I need it, even if the world doesn’t 🙂

  1. One Plus One has been getting really splendid reviews online. I’m really thrilled about that.
  2. Also, I received my copies of the paperback yesterday, which was incredibly exciting. I made ridiculous squealing noises, though refused to let Lovely Partner take a photo of me holding them as I was naked in bed at the time!
  3. I probably need to accept my body as being terrible as a general thing, rather than feeling like I’m continually in a ‘bad day/week/month/year’ but I’m so grateful this week – as, to be honest, I am most weeks – by the way my extended family gather round and help support me and Splendid Son in particular. It is SS’s summer holiday, and he’s spent days with both sets of grandparents (and assorted aunt and uncles) as well as my managing to have a friend of his round this week.
  4. I’ve also been writing some things this week about Harry Potter. Can’t say more yet, but hopefully there may be something out in the not-too-distant future!
  5. I’ve chatted on the phone to loads of lovely people this week, including friends and my mum and sister. When I’m too ill to see people or can’t see the people I love, it’s a great joy to be able to keep in touch somehow.
  6. I bought some books recently, which I haven’t been able to do for a while. I’ve finally read a full copy of Trials at the Chalet School (very important differences to the paperback!) and am looking forward to reading The Fainting Room when I go on holiday next week. I am Virtuously holding back from reading it so that I have it as a Special Holiday Book.

Satisfied Saturday Six

  1. We organised downstairs cupboards and the porch and back lobby this week, which is good. Oh my goodness, we have organised cupboards!
  2. I’ve got the first edits on One Plus One  (Maths Part Two) and my editor is really enthusiastic about the story, which is making me feel so good.
  3. I’ve also finished Maths Part Three (no definite title yet, but I’m calling it Three’s Company for the moment) to the point that it’s ready to be sent to my editor. But that will have to wait until I’ve finished with Part Two 🙂
  4. Scarily enough, I also wrote a bit on Maths Part Four (yes, I might just be obsessed with these characters).
  5. Splendid Son got good news in that he’s got into the Secondary School of his choice. We anticipated there being no problem (boastful mother moment: he did brilliantly in the test they make kids do in my area) but it’s comforting to have the confirmation. He was also, coincidentally, singing in a concert in that very school the evening we heard!
  6. I had an Indian Head Massage on Wednesday, which was really nice. AND I got some bras and supportive vest tops which actually fit (is that the sort of thing one’s not supposed to share? I’m never very good at knowing boundaries. Sorry, if so!) so I am quite pleased with that.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I’ve arranged to write another article for Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine, which is exciting. I’m looking forward to researching the different branches of Christianity and the different treatment afforded to them.
  2. Very proud of Lovely Partner this week, who passed his written exams for becoming a fencing referee. (Both epee and foil.)
  3. Also proud of Splendid Son for doing a fantastic job sorting out his bedroom in epic fashion this Monday.
  4. I set myself a writing target for the month and I’ve already met it, which is quite pleasing. Not all that much is publishable, but keeping writing is always useful practice.
  5. I started knitting something again this week for the first time in a while. I’ve not had the energy, and I still struggle to do it for very long, but it’s nice to be doing it again.
  6. I’m not doing brilliantly healthwise at the moment, but my family are being so kind and helpful. I don’t know how I’d manage without them, and I appreciate them so much.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I got my copies of Love Plus One this week, which is really exciting! Books in print. (It is also officially available as a paperback on the UK Amazon site as well as on the US one.)
  2. I also received a copy of the book I edited, Capri in July, this week.It is utterly beautiful, and the author, Barry Pugh, is an amazing photographer.
  3. Splendid Son was singing in the O2 arena this week as part of the Young Voices choir. I couldn’t go (for boring health reasons), but Lovely Partner and my mother went, and apparently it was amazing. I’m very proud of him.
  4. I’ve done both some writing and some beta-reading this week, which has been good. Nothing wildly productive, but it’s good to keep my hand in.
  5. I had a bit of a bad day, mentally, earlier in the week, but chatting to a couple of good friends on the phone really helped. I’m lucky to have such great people around me.
  6. I am really enjoying my new sofabed, which means that I can lie down and basically be ‘in bed’ downstairs, thus spending more time with the family. Hurrah for practical solutions.

Satisfied Saturday Six

Happy Christmas to those who celebrate! Enjoy the glorious late December days, everyone else 🙂

  1. I am feeling all loved up today because it is twenty-one years precisely since I first kissed Lovely Partner. Can I just point out how exceptionally young I was at the time? 😉 Anyway, we are very happy and in love (at least, I am – I shouldn’t speak for him, I guess!) so it was the best Christmas kiss ever.
  2. I am feeling doubly loved up because I discovered I was pregnant twelve years ago today, with Splendid Son. It was quite early to find out, but I wanted to make sure I could drink alcohol on Christmas Day, so I took a test. I couldn’t. I didn’t mind, strangely enough!
  3. My lovely sister is down staying with my parents, and I got to spend some time with her yesterday, which was very nice. Especially as a friend – originally her friend, but I’m co-opting her as my own as well – came over with her family, which made for chaos, but lovely chaos. (I admit I’ve spent most of today in bed, mind!)
  4. I have been making some new online friends this week, which is very pleasing. As I don’t get out much, making friends online is really important to me – plus, I tend to interact better in writing than in person, which means that it’s a great way for me to ‘meet’ people (and I end up meeting quite a lot of them in person in the end).
  5. The proofs of Love Plus One have come through for a final check. Very exciting – it makes everything seem very close now!
  6. I dyed my hair and now it is bright blue and very cheerful.

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

I haven’t done this in a while, so I was determined to do it today, even though there hasn’t been a lot happening in my life, which makes it rather awkward! Still, here goes:

  1. I’ve been horribly unwell, but my family are being wonderful about helping out. I’m so appreciative.
  2. I happened to be on Amazon recently and noticed that The Sisterhood had a number of really positive reviews. It’s so nice that a book which I put a lot into is being appreciated.
  3. We have a Christmas tree! It isn’t decorated yet, but its existence is making me happy.
  4. I’m in discussions about cover design for Love Plus One, which is really exciting and makes it all seem so much more real and soon!
  5. Talking of which, I’ve passed on One Plus One, the second book in the series (which is, slightly oddly, perhaps, a prequel), to my editor and I’m waiting to hear what she thinks. Fingers crossed!
  6. I’ve read some really interesting stories recently. It does make such a difference to being ill in bed if you have something decent (or indecent, but good 😉 ) to read.

Satisfied… Sunday… Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

Um, oops – a day late this week 🙂 I was out at the football yesterday, with the added bonus of the coach having a flat battery, so our drive home was somewhat delayed.

  1. On the other hand – I was at the football yesterday! Considering how little I get out, this is extremely exciting. Plus my team (Charlton Athletic) actually won, so hurrah!
  2. In more writerly news, I finished an article this week and submitted it, which is pleasing, given the time I’ve had recently.
  3. And Love Plus One has gone through the proof-reading stage, so we’re nearly at the final moments with that, which is terribly thrilling!
  4. My friends and family are being so wonderful about supporting me. I honestly don’t know how I’d manage without them. Guys, I am so grateful to you all. (For those who don’t know – when I say “I don’t get out much” what I mean is, I’m literally bed bound for 90% of the time at the moment, so yes. Support is [a] needed but [b] so very appreciated.)
  5. Oh, I had a school parents’ meeting this week to talk about Splendid Son with his teacher. This was possibly the most enjoyable thing ever, as it was basically ten minutes of his teacher telling me how wonderful my child was in every possible way. Honestly, I don’t think there is any greater pleasure in life for a parent than that! (It even made up for the OTHER flat battery of the week, when my car refused to start and get us home from the school…)
  6. I have started my Christmas shopping, which is always pleasing. I love buying presents!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

This is a very low key six, as it’s been an extremely low key sort of week 🙂

  1. I haven’t actually done much writing this week, so I suppose I can celebrate the fact that I’ve had a bit of a rest from everything!
  2. I’ve taken the opportunity to set up for doing other things as well – ordered some felt tip pens so I can do some colouring in, and sorted out some reading matter.
  3. I had a doctor’s appointment this week, and although there aren’t any answers to most of my health problems, the fact that the GP is prepared to work with me to try and improve whatever’s improvable is a good thing.
  4. We decided on Splendid Son’s choices of Secondary School and have submitted the form, so this is all out of the way. There’s now no news until March, when we’ll hear whether he’s got into the school we’d like him to attend, so we have a rest from all that.
  5. When I’ve been struggling, friends and family have been around to support me and encourage me. I don’t really know how to express what a difference that makes, but I appreciate you all! Thank you.
  6. Oh! The tomato plant which I was given has produced two tiny tomatoes. I am quite out of proportion pleased, as I tend not to have a good effect on plant life 🙂

Satisfied Saturday Six

Well, it’s been A Bit Of A Week, but there have been some fabulous things this week, too.


  1. I had visitors last weekend – one of my closest friends came to stay with her family. We’ve been good friends for over a decade, ever since our children – about a month different in age – were babies. However, thanks to the fact that she lives on the other side of the world, we’d never actually met in person before. It was simply amazing to get to spend time with her finally.
  2. Splendid Son has managed to pass an exam which means that his choice of secondary school (the school he will attend from age 11-18) is much improved. I have a great objection to the system of deciding whether children are academic achievers or not at the age of 10-11, but given that it exists in my area, I’m delighted that Splendid Son was so successful.
  3. My article about Plot Holes In Harry Potter has been translated into Italian. By Cosmo magazine, no less! I’m famous!
  4. Third, and I hope final, edits on Love Plus One complete. We should be on for the publication of the novel now…
  5. Thank goodness for our National Health Service. I’m grateful to live in Britain sometimes, and when I ended up in Accident and Emergency on Sunday evening and they dealt with me fast and well… that was one of those occasions. Thank you to all the people I saw.
  6. I’m hoping to write more articles about Harry Potter (one on trivia coming up at some point… watch this space…) which is exciting. Out of a matter of interest, what would anyone like to read about? Tell me! I’ll see if I can pitch it 🙂

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

  1. I’m in the process of writing another article about Harry Potter, which is making me exceptionally cheerful. I could spend all my time thinking about the world of Harry Potter. Hmm, actually…
  2. Getting really excited about going to Amsterdam on Monday. I’ve never been – and it’s very flat, so it should be reasonably wheelchair friendly, which is always A Thing.
  3. Because life is made up of little triumphs, I feel I should celebrate the fact that Splendid Son’s wellies still fit him. He hasn’t worn them for ages but needs them for his own school holiday next week. I thought we’d have to go on an emergency welly-boot expedition, which given my energy levels was not something I was wildly enthused by – but we don’t! Hurrah!
  4. Our microwave finally gave up the ghost this week, about a year after my sister told me that it was the most appalling thing she’d ever seen (or words to that effect). I successfully bought and installed (plugged in!) a new one, and feel thoroughly accomplished.
  5. Umm… wow, this is a difficult week for this! The weather has been slightly cooler, which means that spending hours and hours tucked up in bed with my two cats has been rather lovely. I tried to take a picture of them cuddling – my ginger boy had one of his legs tucked around my spotty girl – but they wanted to know what the hell I was doing, and moved at the vital moment!
  6. I’m exploring going to Greece at Easter, which is apparently an outrageous plan, but we seem (slowly) to be getting somewhere with finding options. Holidays are good.