Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

I haven’t done this in a while, so I was determined to do it today, even though there hasn’t been a lot happening in my life, which makes it rather awkward! Still, here goes:

  1. I’ve been horribly unwell, but my family are being wonderful about helping out. I’m so appreciative.
  2. I happened to be on Amazon recently and noticed that The Sisterhood had a number of really positive reviews. It’s so nice that a book which I put a lot into is being appreciated.
  3. We have a Christmas tree! It isn’t decorated yet, but its existence is making me happy.
  4. I’m in discussions about cover design for Love Plus One, which is really exciting and makes it all seem so much more real and soon!
  5. Talking of which, I’ve passed on One Plus One, the second book in the series (which is, slightly oddly, perhaps, a prequel), to my editor and I’m waiting to hear what she thinks. Fingers crossed!
  6. I’ve read some really interesting stories recently. It does make such a difference to being ill in bed if you have something decent (or indecent, but good 😉 ) to read.

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