Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

This is a very low key six, as it’s been an extremely low key sort of week 🙂

  1. I haven’t actually done much writing this week, so I suppose I can celebrate the fact that I’ve had a bit of a rest from everything!
  2. I’ve taken the opportunity to set up for doing other things as well – ordered some felt tip pens so I can do some colouring in, and sorted out some reading matter.
  3. I had a doctor’s appointment this week, and although there aren’t any answers to most of my health problems, the fact that the GP is prepared to work with me to try and improve whatever’s improvable is a good thing.
  4. We decided on Splendid Son’s choices of Secondary School and have submitted the form, so this is all out of the way. There’s now no news until March, when we’ll hear whether he’s got into the school we’d like him to attend, so we have a rest from all that.
  5. When I’ve been struggling, friends and family have been around to support me and encourage me. I don’t really know how to express what a difference that makes, but I appreciate you all! Thank you.
  6. Oh! The tomato plant which I was given has produced two tiny tomatoes. I am quite out of proportion pleased, as I tend not to have a good effect on plant life 🙂

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