Tag Archives: Terry Egan

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

1. Started an article for ‘Jane Austen’s Regency World’ about cranks and quacks and so-called medical ‘cures’ in the Regency. Quite fun, and I get to google really random stuff.

2.  You really have to see this film of an octopus carrying a coconut shell! It is the best thing I’ve seen for ages.

3. I went out for a meal with my boys last Sunday, as a last hurrah for half-term. It was really lovely to be out with them 🙂

4. I’ve had a think about things I’ve been doing out of habit rather than from enjoyment, and made plans to cut down on things which aren’t bringing much joy into my life.

5. I’m still very much enjoying having blue and green hair. I keep forgetting and then remembering when someone gives me a weird look!

6. I had an efficient day yesterday and made a couple of phone calls. The phone is the bane of my existence, so this is much more impressive than it sounds!

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.


1. Wow, I am really happy that my blog entry ‘Five Things People With CFS/ME Would Be Happy Never To Hear Again (And What We’d Like You To Say)’ has done so well. Obviously, after 22 years living with ME, it’s an area really close to my heart and I’m so glad that it resonated with so many other people. (Well, sort of glad – I’m really sorry how many people with this illness have heard the same unhelpful things I have, but I hope that maybe a few more people might understand now.)


2. The ‘Dark Lord Funk’ version of ‘Uptown Funk’ (a beautiful Harry Potter parody) has made me so happy.  I have no shame in saying that I’m a Harry Potter fan, and it incorporated so many parts of the original books and films into it – words, phrases, even the film’s theme music – that it was perfect. Love it.


3. I have a new (to me) car! After a couple of weeks without one, it is so great to have the freedom to get about. When your mobility is as limited as mine is (very), life is very curtailed without a car. I’m still getting used to its quirks, but I’m sure it will come.


4. On a slightly more mundane level, I managed to take my anti-migraine medicine the other day before the migraine took hold. I was still under the weather, but when I get migraines I can get frighteningly ill, and I managed to avoid that.


5. I had a parents’ meeting at Child’s school last week. Child is doing very well at maths (which doesn’t surprise me – he’s the sort of kid who thinks ‘mental maths problems’ is a great game to play in the car) and he seems happy at school. (That doesn’t surprise me, either – I ask him after school each day whether he’s had a good day and he always says yes. I got paranoid that maybe it was just a reflexive response, so I asked him if he’d tell me if he hadn’t had a good day, and he said “Of course!” So apparently, he really does have a good day every day!)


6. I’m really looking forward to going on holiday next week with my extended family. Thirteen of us! I’m expecting chaos…

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

1.  Final proofs of Petticoats and Promises completed and back to the production team. Now all I have to do is wait for it to come out 🙂

2.  I wrote 400 words of ‘things to write about’ in my prospective article about mistresses in the Regency period. That’s about a fifth of the length the actual article needs to be! I don’t think I’m going to run out of things to say.

3. Child and I have been re-watching the first series of Merlin. Which is also probably my favourite – I like it best before it gets too serious.

4. Child is currently sitting in a cinema watching Tinker Bell and the Never Beast whilst I sit outside with my computer. As he said, “Most boys would say ‘I’m not watching that because it’s for girls’ but that’s silly, and I’ve seen a trailer for it and it looks good.”

5. I’ve just finished reading a really good book, called Elements of Eloquence. It’s about different techniques which can be used in writing to turn a good phrase, but it is also very funny! (I’d quote one of my favourite bits, but alas I do not have the book with me.)

6. Our car had a crisis last week, but it is all mended now (touch wood!).

Satisfied Saturday Six

The SSS celebrates six things that have gone well, or at least okay, in the past week. It is the creation of Terry Egan, who is all things wonderful.

1. My boys are back from holiday, and it’s lovely to have them back here. (I did wonder for a bit on Sunday, when I had a grumpy and over-tired Child, but he’s better now and it’s been great since then.)


2.  I got more than 1000 words of the new novel, The Sisterhood, written this week. It’s not an enormous amount, but as I sometimes say to Child, it’s better than a slap in the face with a wet kipper.


3. It is beginning to be noticeable that the days are getting longer again. I much prefer longer days.


4. We had a sprinkling of snow, so we didn’t feel left out of the whole ”snow” thing, but it wasn’t enough to cause complications.


5. Although both of our cars have been doing alarming things this week (mine needs filling up with water every three seconds, and my partner’s engine keeps cutting out for no apparent reason), we have not got so stuck that we needed to call our breakdown cover. (Look, it’s been quite a tough week, I’m taking anything I can!)


6. Um… um… um… Gosh, this has really not been a good week. I have read several new-to-me books, and I have several more to read in the future. PLUS, my voice and Child’s voice have finally both recovered enough for us to continue our nightly reading together (we’re reading The House of Hades).